Yoga (YOG)

YOG 100  De-stressing with Meditation  (1 Credit)  
15 lecture, 1 total contact hours  
In this course, students will learn gentle yoga, meditation, and mindfulness practices to manage and reduce stress. We will briefly explore the nervous system and tools to regulate the stress response through self-reflection and journaling. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading Level 3; Academic Writing Level 2
YOG 101  Yoga I  (2 Credits)  
30 clinical/other, 2 total contact hours  
In this course, students will explore introductory practices and philosophy of Hatha Yoga. Hatha yoga is a progressive practice of eight disciplines referred to as limbs. The eight limbs include: social restraints, personal observances, yoga postures, breath regulation, withdrawal of the senses, single pointed focus, full absorption and enlightenment. The philosophy of the eight-limbed path of Hatha yoga is complete liberation from human suffering. Students will be able to identify the eight limbs and demonstrate posture, breath regulation and meditation practices. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading Level 3; Academic Writing Level 2
YOG 102  Yoga II  (2 Credits)  
30 clinical/other, 2 total contact hours  
In this course, students will deepen their understanding of Hatha Yoga through the exploration of introductory and intermediate Hatha Yoga practices and philosophies. Hatha Yoga is a practice that seeks to achieve balance by quieting the mind and purifying the body, and offers a path to achieve liberation or freedom from suffering. Students will be able to identify new yoga philosophy concepts and demonstrate further refinement of posture, breath regulation, and meditation practices. This course is the second part of a two-course sequence on the application of fundamental disciplines and postures in yoga. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; YOG 101 minimum grade "C"