United Assoc Sprinkler Fitters (UAR)

UAR 160  Introduction to Sprinkler Fitter Practices  (3 Credits)  
3 total contact hours  
This course covers introductory topics for new Sprinkler fitter apprentices including: job safety and health, heritage in the pipe trades, and use and care of tools. Limited to United Association students. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
UAR 162  Basic Drawing and Introduction to Automatic Sprinklers  (3 Credits)  
3 total contact hours  
Basic drawing covers preparation of working drawings including orthographic projection, dimensioning, illustrating pipe threads, section views and isometric drawings. Introduction to Automatic Sprinklers includes the fundamentals of sprinkler protection and the standards governing systems. Topics also include the hazard categories specified in NFPA 13, wet and dry systems, flushing sprinkler systems and the fundamentals of inspecting and testing systems. Limited to United Association students. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
UAR 164  Reading Automatic Sprinkler Piping Drawings  (2 Credits)  
2 total contact hours  
This course familiarizes the student with the drawings most often found in the sprinkler trade. Topics include standard sprinkler system drawings, common symbols and abbreviations found on the drawings. Limited to United Association students. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
UAR 164R  Reading Residential Blueprints for Sprinkler Systems  (2 Credits)  
2 total contact hours  
This course familiarizes the student with the drawings most often found in the residential sprinkler trade. Topics include the standard drawings used by residential sprinkler fitters and abbreviations and symbols found on those drawings. Limited to United Association students. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
UAR 166  Installation of Sprinkler Systems  (2 Credits)  
2 total contact hours  
This course covers the installation regulations governing fire protection systems, which includes design, installation and testing. Other topics include the regulations with respect to piping, fittings and other appurtenances for fire protection systems. Limited to United Association students. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
UAR 166R  Installation of Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems  (2 Credits)  
2 total contact hours  
This course presents the detailed rules and regulations governing the design, installation and testing of automatic fire sprinkler systems. This course emphasizes the rules that sprinkler fitters must satisfy on the job and also explains the principles of older, existing systems. This course references the NFPA code manuals. Limited to United Association students. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
UAR 168  Architectural Working Drawings and Blueprint Reading for Sprinkler Fitters  (2 Credits)  
2 total contact hours  
Architectural Working Drawings and Blueprint Reading covers reading the types of prints found in a complete set of working drawings. The course includes correcting or compensating for inconsistencies found in drawings. Limited to United Association students. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
UAR 170  Sprinkler Water Supply and The Automatic Sprinkler  (2 Credits)  
2 total contact hours  
The Automatic Sprinkler portion of the course includes how sprinklers operate, regulations applicable to sprinklers, recognizing and installing the proper sprinkler, modifying sprinklers to address specific needs. The Water Supply portion of this course addresses water supply requirements for sprinkler systems. Topics include the relationship of occupancy classifications to water supply requirements, the installation of fire service mains, pumps, controllers, and tanks. Limited to United Association students. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
UAR 170R  The Residential Automatic Fire Sprinkler  (2 Credits)  
2 total contact hours  
This course covers the various types of automatic fire sprinklers including their similarities and differences. Particular emphasis is placed on the selection of the proper sprinkler and the regulations covering the use of diverse types of heads. This course references current NFPA code books. Limited to United Association students. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
UAR 172  Types of Fire Protection Systems and Alarms  (3 Credits)  
3 total contact hours  
This course covers various types of fire protection systems which include wet pipe and anti freeze systems. Topics include the design principles, specification, installation and operation of fire protection systems. Limited to United Association students. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
UAR 174  Special Application Sprinkler Systems and Hydraulics  (3 Credits)  
3 total contact hours  
The Special Application Sprinkler Systems course addresses a wide range of systems found in the field. The course covers: latch clapper and differential type valves, pilot line systems and preaction systems. The hydraulics portion of the course covers pressure, total force, specific gravity/density, pressure generation, flow rate, sprinkler system design, pressure loss and calculated systems. Limited to United Association students. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
UAR 176  Human Relations  (3 Credits)  
3 total contact hours  
This course is an overview of the most important aspects of the role of foreman. Topics include the primary duties of the foreman, understanding what it takes to work well with others, and communicating effectively with others. Limited to United Association students. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
UAR 178  Technical Writing  (3 Credits)  
3 total contact hours  
Technical Writing covers the basic reports and forms used in the fire protection industry. Topics include specific instructions on how to complete reports and forms in a manner acceptable to others in the fire protection industry. Limited to United Association students. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6