Surgical Technology (SUR)

SUR 101  Introduction to Sterile Processing  (6 Credits)  
Corequisites: SUR 102  
In this course, students are introduced to the profession of sterile processing including patient confidentiality, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and working as part of a professional team. The principles of decontamination, sterilization, packaging and storage of instrumentation and surgical supplies will be discussed. Identification, assembly, care and proper handling of instrumentation will be presented with a focus on various surgical specialties and the instrumentation associated with each. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading Level 5; Academic Writing Level 3; Successful completion of background check
SUR 102  Introduction to Sterile Processing Equipment  (2 Credits)  
Corequisites: SUR 101  
In this course, students are introduced to equipment used daily in the Sterile Processing department. Students will learn the history, purpose and functionality of sterile processing equipment as well as safe work practices for equipment use. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading Level 5; Academic Writing Level 3; High school diploma or GED and 18 years old by second semester of Sterile Processing program
SUR 108  Sterile Processing Clinical  (2 Credits)  
Corequisites: SUR 109  
160 clinical/other, 2 total contact hours  
In this course, students will work under the supervision of the team leaders and department managers in a clinical setting. Students will demonstrate professional behaviors and effective communication skills. Students will actively participate in the process of decontamination, set assembly, sterilization, sterile storage, and distribution of sterile instrumentation and supplies. Students will be exposed to bloodborne pathogens during their clinical experience. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading Level 5; Academic Writing Level 3; successful completion of health requirements; 18 years of age; SUR 101 minimum grade "C+"
SUR 109  Sterile Processing Seminar  (1 Credit)  
15 lecture, 1 total contact hours  
In this capstone course, students will review material and learn test-taking skills in preparations for the Healthcare Sterile Processing Application (HSPA) certification exam. The creation of résumés and development of interview and job search strategies will also be examined. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading Level 5; Academic Writing Level 3; SUR 101 minimum grade "C+"
SUR 110  Introduction to Surgical Technology/Surgical Patient  (5 Credits)  
In this course, students will examine legal concepts and ethical issues relating to surgical patients as well as the physical environment of the operating room (OR), safety standards, hazards, and disease transmission. Surgical conscience and its application, along with components of effective surgical teamwork are discussed. In the lab environment, students will learn, practice and be evaluated on essential skills required during surgical case management. Students will identify related professional organizations and examine the various roles and job description of a surgical technologist. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; Admission to Surgical Technology program; SUR 101 minimum grade "C+"
SUR 170  Surgical Pharmacology  (2 Credits)  
30 lecture, 2 total contact hours  
In this course, students will define anesthesia and be introduced to the duties and roles performed by the operating room (OR) team during drug administration. Students will learn to identify the actions, uses, side effects, contraindications and administration of drugs and anesthetic agents in the care of the surgical patients. Safe practices and sterile techniques used in anesthesia procedures will be emphasized. Students will be exposed to anesthesia equipment, supplies, terminology and medications used in surgery. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; Admission to Surgical Technology program
SUR 180  Surgical Procedures I  (3 Credits)  
Corequisites: SUR 181  
45 lecture, 3 total contact hours  
In this course, students will be introduced to diagnostic and surgical procedures used in general surgery, obstetrics and gynecological surgery, as well as genitourinary procedures. This course provides a study of anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology and microbiology as it relates to surgical intervention. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; SUR 110 minimum grade "C+", may enroll concurrently
SUR 181  Surgical Procedures I Lab  (2 Credits)  
Corequisites: SUR 180  
60 lab, 2 total contact hours  
In this course, students will learn the principles of introductory surgical procedures. Students apply these principles in a lab environment to practice and perform essential skills required in the surgical setting. Students are introduced to specific instruments, equipment and supplies in general gynecological (obstetrics) and genitourinary surgery. Students will practice and be evaluated on their surgical case management skills. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; SUR 110 minimum grade "C+", may enroll concurrently
SUR 210  Surgical Procedures II  (3 Credits)  
Corequisites: SUR 211  
45 lecture, 3 total contact hours  
In this course, students will be introduced to diagnostic and surgical procedures used in ophthalmic, otorhinolaryngology, oral and maxillofacial, orthopedic, plastic, cardiothoracic, peripheral vascular and neurosurgery. This course provides a relevant study of anatomy and physiology, the introduction to disease, tumors, fluid and hemodynamic disorders, inflammation and infection, surgically treatable diseases and disorders, and pharmacology as it relates to surgical intervention. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; SUR 110, SUR 170, SUR 180 and SUR 181, minimum grade "C+"
SUR 211  Surgical Procedures II Lab  (2 Credits)  
Corequisites: SUR 210  
60 lab, 2 total contact hours  
In this course, students will apply the principles of surgical procedures in the lab environment. Students are introduced to specific instruments, equipment and supplies relating to otorhinolaryngology, orthopedic, oral and maxillofacial, plastic, ophthalmic, cardiothoracic, peripheral vascular and neurosurgery. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; SUR 110, SUR 170, SUR 180 and SUR 181, minimum grade "C+"
SUR 231  Clinical Education I  (2 Credits)  
240 clinical/other, 2 total contact hours  
In this course, students will learn, practice and perform essential skills required in preoperative (preop) surgery, the post anesthesia care unit (PACU), the central sterile processing department (CSPD), and the operating room (OR), all in a clinical environment. While under the supervision of the OR staff, students will demonstrate and practice methods of disinfection and sterilization, assist in sterile storage and distribution, observe cases and begin to scrub and assist team members when directed. Students will also meet in seminars during the semester. This course was previously offered as one credit. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; SUR 110, SUR 211 and SUR 270, minimum grade "C+"; SUR 211 and SUR 270, may enroll concurrently
SUR 241  Clinical Education II  (4 Credits)  
Corequisites: SUR 250  
480 clinical/other, 4 total contact hours  
In this course, students further develop the clinical skills needed in the perioperative setting. In this final clinical rotation, the student will exhibit a more independent role, while under the continued supervision of the surgical team. Students actively participate in all phases of the perioperative process. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; SUR 231 minimum grade "C+"
SUR 250  Surgical Technology Seminar  (3 Credits)  
Corequisites: SUR 241  
45 lecture, 3 total contact hours  
In this capstone course, students will prepare to care and advocate for the surgical patient. This course entails a combination of research, theory and reflective learning (lab and clinical experience). In this course, students will develop their personal resume, as well as work on interview skills and present their resume in a "mock" panel interview during the course. Preparation for entering the Surgical Technology profession encompasses: knowledge, skill, professionalism, independent thinking and the ability to react quickly under stressful situations. This course will also allow for student exposure to exam questions similar to those seen on national Surgical Technology exams. Students must sit for the National Certification Exam as a requirement to complete the program. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; SUR 210, SUR 211 and SUR 270, minimum grade "C+"
SUR 270  Biomedical Science and Minimally Invasive Surgery  (2 Credits)  
In this course, students are introduced to the areas of information technology, interventional radiology, electricity, laser and robotics as they apply to the surgical technologist role in minimally invasive surgery. As surgical equipment becomes more technical, understanding the fundamental principles of these technologies is essential to the entry-level surgical technologist. Students will practice and be evaluated on their surgical technologist support skills in robotics and minimally invasive surgery. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; SUR 110, SUR 170, SUR 180 and SUR 181, minimum grade "C+"