Chinese (CHN)

CHN 111  First Year Chinese I  (5 Credits)  
75 lecture, 5 total contact hours  
In this course, students will be introduced to Modern Standard Chinese, also called Mandarin-Putonghua (Common language) and Guoy (National language). The essential knowledge of both Chinese characters as well as grammatical structures will be imparted for the language acquisition of written Chinese. Students will gain listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in standard Chinese, attaining approximately the high novice level on the ACTFL proficiency scale. Students with prior knowledge of Chinese are welcome in this class. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
CHN 122  First Year Chinese II  (5 Credits)  
75 lecture, 5 total contact hours  
This course is a continuation of first year Chinese and focuses on consolidating previously learned language skills, and improving and expanding correct tonal range. Students will focus on understanding the systematic nature of Chinese characters including the order of strokes, the radical and the function of their phonetic and semantic components. The relationship between Chinese language and ways of life, as well as the use of language according to social settings, will be emphasized throughout the semester. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; CHN 111 minimum grade "C" or Students who have taken a Chinese placement exam elsewhere may request an override from the instructor.
CHN 201  Second Year Chinese  (4 Credits)  
60 lecture, 4 total contact hours  
This intermediate level Chinese course is a continuation of the introductory course on standard Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua in China, or Guoyu in Taiwan). The goal of the course is to advance the students' communicative competence in all four aspects of language learning: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasis will be placed on training the students' ability to write in Chinese characters and use tools (e.g. dictionary) to further advance their knowledge and use of the language. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; CHN 122 minimum grade "C" or Students who have taken a Chinese placement exam elsewhere may request an override from the instructor.
CHN 202  Second Year Chinese II  (4 Credits)  
60 lecture, 4 total contact hours  
This course is a continuation of second year standard Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua in China, and Guoyu in Taiwan). Students will review and expand the lexicon and grammatical structures learned in the prerequisite courses. Students will learn how to grasp the main ideas of both formal and informal short speeches in academic settings. The goal of the course is to improve students' levels of communicative competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing in modern Chinese, with an emphasis on the traditional, non-simplified, character writing system. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; CHN 201 minimum grade "C" or Students who have taken a Chinese placement exam elsewhere may request an override from the instructor.