Automotive Transportation Tech (ATT)
ATT 111 Introduction to Auto Body Repair (4 Credits)
60 lecture, 45 lab, 4 total contact hours
In this course students will learn industry standard repair procedures, vehicle damage assessment, and proper tool selection to aid in the repair of collision damaged automobiles. Students will also be introduced to the automotive finishing process and provided with hands-on training for body panel repair and alignment, plastic welding and MIG welding. This entry level, self-paced course will focus on preparing students for a career in the automotive collision repair industry. This course was previously ABR 111.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
ATT 112 Introduction to Automotive Refinishing (4 Credits)
60 lecture, 45 lab, 4 total contact hours
In this course, students will build their knowledge for a career in the automotive refinishing industry. Students will be exposed to today's industry standard methods, such as learning how to apply base and clear systems, single stage coatings, primers, and sealers. This is an entry level, hands-on, self-paced course where students will learn panel preparation, proper mixing of sprayable materials, proper spray gun techniques and industry safety procedures. This course was previously ABR 112.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
ATT 114 Applied Transportation Welding (2 Credits)
30 lecture, 22.5 lab, 2 total contact hours
In this course, students will develop and apply basic welding and metal inert gas (MIG) brazing skills associated with crash damaged panel replacement as related to the collision repair industry. Areas of study will include proper equipment selection and set up, fitment of panels to be welded, and plasma cutting procedures. Emphasis will be placed on producing Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair (I-CAR) acceptable MIG welding of steel and aluminum butt, lap, and plug welds completed in various welding positions. Students will also be introduced to MIG brazing using various grades of steel. This course was previously ABR 114.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
ATT 119 Introduction to Metal Shaping (2 Credits)
30 lecture, 22.5 lab, 2 total contact hours
In this course, students will be introduced to the working of sheet metals by hand. In addition to skillful handling of tools, students must possess a thorough knowledge of the properties and behavior of materials, to ensure they move in the desired direction when worked. Areas of study will include sheet metal shaping using hand tools over wood forms, anvils, and sand/shot bags. Students will create several handmade parts using a variety of sheet metal materials with varied thickness and hardness. This course was previously ABR 119.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
ATT 121 Automotive Estimating (2 Credits)
30 lecture, 22.5 lab, 2 total contact hours
In this course, students will develop skills in repair estimation associated with collision damaged vehicles. Skills acquired will include handwritten estimation along with the use of software specifically developed for the auto body repair industry. Damage assessment, parts compilation, calculation of repair costs, and refinishing information are some of the topics that will be covered. This course was previously ABR 121.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ATT 123 or ATT 124, minimum grade "C"
ATT 123 Technical Auto Body Repair (4 Credits)
60 lecture, 45 lab, 4 total contact hours
In this course, students will explore all aspects of body panel modification including fender sectioning, door skinning and outer panel replacement. In addition, students will use specialty equipment such as a hydraulic ram to demonstrate basic "bumping" techniques. Students will also learn sheet metal welding and cutting processes as well as how to correctly set up and use a frame straightening machine. Emphasis is placed on quality, craftsmanship and excellent work habits. This course was previously ABR 123.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ATT 111 minimum grade "C"
ATT 124 Technical Automotive Refinishing (4 Credits)
60 lecture, 45 lab, 4 total contact hours
In this course, students will learn refinishing techniques to advance their fundamental skills learned in previous courses. Operations such as proper spraying techniques for the application of metallic colors, spot repairs, color blending, single stage, base-coat/clear-coat systems, tri-coat finishes, and specialty products will be covered. Basic custom paint, detailing, and advanced color mixing and matching will also be covered. Lab assignments will include the proper surface preparation of a vehicle's entire front clip. This course was previously ABR 124.
Level I Prerequisites: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ATT 112 minimum grade "C"
ATT 130 Automotive Service (4 Credits)
45 lecture, 60 lab, 4 total contact hours
In this course, students will learn basic shop safety and accepted shop practices in the transportation industry. In addition to basic maintenance, students will learn about fluids and lubrication services as well as cooling and exhaust system repairs. Students will also be introduced to basic steering, suspension, and brake repairs in the lab. This course was previously ASV 130.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading Level 5; Academic Writing Level 3
ATT 131 Automotive Electrical (4 Credits)
45 lecture, 60 lab, 4 total contact hours
In this course, students will learn basic electrical theory, electrical safety of low and high voltage systems, use and interpretation of automotive wiring diagrams, and use of electrical testing equipment. Students will learn the skills needed to diagnose and replace a number of commonly serviced electrical components. The focus of this course allows students to gain practical experience in the laboratory. This course was previously ASV 131.
Level I Prerequisites: Academic Reading Level of 5 and Academic Writing Level of 3
ATT 132 Automotive Engines (4 Credits)
45 lecture, 60 lab, 4 total contact hours
In this course, students will explore the theory, operation and repair of automotive gasoline engines with emphasis on component identification, operation and proper measurement techniques. Students will gain skills such as disassembly, reassembly and running procedures with automotive drivetrains on test stands and also develop practical skills with on-car diagnostics and repairs. This course was previously ASV 132.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ATT 130 or ATT 131, minimum grade "C"
ATT 133 Automotive Fuel Systems (4 Credits)
45 lecture, 60 lab, 4 total contact hours
In this course, students will be introduced to the theory and operation of fuel delivery as well as emissions systems and their components. Using specialized diagnostic test equipment, students will develop skills to inspect, diagnose, and perform services on fuel delivery and emission systems. Safe component replacement and repair procedures will also be covered. This course was previously ASV 133.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ATT 131 minimum grade "C"
ATT 134 Automotive Transmissions (4 Credits)
45 lecture, 60 lab, 4 total contact hours
In this course, students will discover how automatic and manual drivetrain systems operate. In the lab, students will develop an understanding on how to service, diagnose and replace faulty internal transmission and drivetrain components. Topics will also include drivetrain function and differences in both 2 and 4-wheel drive vehicles as well as identification, diagnosis and repair of major driveline components that affect transmission operation. This course was previously ASV 134.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ATT 130 minimum grade "C"
ATT 135 Transportation Facility Operations (3 Credits)
45 lecture, 30 lab, 3 total contact hours
In this course, students will develop the skills needed to execute management level transactions in automotive technical and service environments. Students will learn about safety topics that pertain to working in the automotive industry and gain knowledge about mechanic and repair facility licensing requirements. Students will also review the standards, guidelines, and expectations in place at the state and national levels. This course was previously ASV 135.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
ATT 136 History of Transportation Technologies (3 Credits)
45 lecture, 3 total contact hours
In this course, students will explore the historical and technological changes associated with internal combustion and electric vehicles from their inception in the 1800s through the 21st century. Topics include, but are not limited to, mass production, evolution of powertrain systems, organized labor, the Great Depression, iterations of body style, the interstate highway system, the energy crisis of the 1970s, development of emission control systems, the influx of foreign competition, and the aftermath of the 2008 economic crisis and its effect on the automotive industry. Aspects of manufacturing, changing technology, and consumer demand will be addressed within this sociocultural and historical context.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
ATT 180 Alternative Vehicle Fundamentals & Safety (2 Credits)
30 lecture, 22.5 lab, 2 total contact hours
In this course, students will learn about various alternative energy vehicles used in the transportation industry. Topics of study will include the history and types of alternative energy used in the transportation industry, electric vehicle (EV) and component identifications, and the safety standards and practices needed when working around vehicles and components. Students will also explore current trends and myths surrounding this rapidly evolving sector of vehicles.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
ATT 280 Introduction to Electric Vehicles (EV) (4 Credits)
45 lecture, 60 lab, 4 total contact hours
In this course, students will learn how to service and maintain electric vehicles (EVs) according to the manufacturers' recommendations. Topics of study will include EV component locations, system identifications, and the safety standards and practices needed when servicing vehicles and components. Students will also explore the specific specialty tooling, data collection applications, and diagnostic tooling needed to perform services in a shop environment.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ASV 131 minimum grade "C"
ATT 282 Electric Vehicle (EV) Energy Management (4 Credits)
45 lecture, 60 lab, 4 total contact hours
In this course, students will learn how to service and maintain electric vehicle (EV) batteries and on-board charging systems according to the manufacturers' recommendations. Topics of study will include EV battery subsystems and battery charging component and wiring locations. In addition, battery heating and cooling system identifications as well as safety standards and practices for EV battery service will be addressed. Students will also explore specialty battery tooling, battery management system (BMS) data, and the diagnostic tooling needed to perform battery diagnostics and removal in a shop environment.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ASV 256 and ATT 280, minimum grade "C"
ATT 284 Electric Vehicle (EV) Drivelines & Chassis (4 Credits)
45 lecture, 60 lab, 4 total contact hours
In this course, students will learn how to service and maintain electric vehicle (EV) drivelines and HVAC systems as well as follow manufacturers' recommendations to align EV chassis. Topics of study will include, but will not be limited to, motors used in EV drive systems, EV gearbox service, as well as passenger cabin heating and cooling system identification and maintenance. Safety standards and practices for servicing EV drivelines and HVAC systems will also be addressed as well as specialty service tooling and suggested maintenance intervals.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ATT 282 minimum grade "C"
ATT 286 Electric Vehicle (EV) Dynamometer Testing (2 Credits)
30 lecture, 22.5 lab, 2 total contact hours
In this course, students will learn how to use automotive and motorcycle chassis dynamometers to collect vehicle data from electric vehicles (EVs). Topics of study will include, but will not be limited to, diagnosing EV drivability issues, developing custom tests to capture miles per gallon of gasoline-equivalent (MPGe) data, and identifying safety standards and practices for chassis dynamometers with EVs. Students will also use dynamometer tests to assess EV battery consumption and degradation values associated with varied weather, temperature, and driving style.
Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ATT 282 minimum grade "C"