Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)
What is the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA)?
The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) is a statewide agreement that provides transferability of 30 college credits to meet many, if not all, of the General Education requirements at participating Michigan four-year colleges and universities. Visit the Michigan Transfer Network website for more information on how MTA credits are accepted at participating 4-year colleges and universities.
How to fulfill the Michigan Transfer Agreement?
Student must successfully complete at least 30 credits with a grade of a 2.0 (or C) or higher in each course according to the distribution shown below.
Students must complete at least one credit at WCC for us to award MTA.
Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) general education courses are included in WCC’s Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Science (AS) programs. If you are enrolled in an AA or AS program, you are working toward completing MTA.
If you have completed the MTA general education requirements and want MTA transfer credentials awarded and posted to your transcript, please complete the MTA request form and wait for confirmation of processing prior to submitting a transcript request .
See how WCC's MTA courses transfer.
Which Courses Can Be Used?
- Credits earned through enrollment at WCC
- Credits earned at other in-state and out-of-state accredited institutions
- Dual enrollment and early/middle college credit that is accepted by WCC
- Advanced Placement (AP) credit
- However, the receiving institution will determine transferability of the course consistent with its AP credit policy
- Additional areas of prior learning are not applicable to the MTA such as International Baccalaureate (IB), College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST) or credit awarded through American Council on Education (ACE).
Approved MTA Course Distribution
The same course cannot be counted twice in two separate areas of the MTA agreement.
One Course in English Composition
Code | Title | Credits |
ENG 111 | Composition I (available online) | 4 |
ENG 226 | Composition II (available online) | 3 |
Second course in English Composition or One course in Communication
Code | Title | Credits |
COM 101 | Fundamentals of Speaking (available online) | 3 |
COM 102 | Interpersonal Communication (available online) | 3 |
COM 142 | Oral Interpretation of Literature | 3 |
COM 183 | Persuasion | 3 |
COM 200 | Family Communication (available online) | 3 |
COM 210 | Nonverbal Communication | 3 |
COM 220 | Small Group Communication | 3 |
COM 225 | Intercultural Communication (available online) | 3 |
ENG 226 | Composition II (available online) | 3 |
One Course in Mathematics
Code | Title | Credits |
MTH 125 | Everyday College Math (available online) | 4 |
MTH 125X | Everyday College Math | 4 |
MTH 160 | Basic Statistics (available online) | 4 |
MTH 160X | Basic Statistics | 4 |
MTH 176 | College Algebra (available online) | 4 |
MTH 178 | General Trigonometry | 3 |
MTH 180 | Precalculus (available online) | 5 |
MTH 191 | Calculus I (available online) | 5 |
MTH 192 | Calculus II (available online) | 4 |
MTH 197 | Linear Algebra | 4 |
MTH 293 | Calculus III | 4 |
MTH 295 | Differential Equations | 4 |
Two Courses in Natural Sciences
From two disciplines; including one with laboratory experiences
Code | Title | Credits |
ANT 245 | Biological Anthropology 1 | 4 |
AST 111 | General Astronomy (available online) 1 | 3 |
BIO 101 | Concepts of Biology 1 | 4 |
BIO 102 | Human Biology 1 | 4 |
BIO 104 | Biology of Exercise (available online) 1 | 4 |
BIO 107 | Introduction to Field Biology | 3 |
BIO 109 | Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 | 4 |
BIO 110 | Introduction to Exercise Science | 3 |
BIO 111 | Anatomy and Physiology - Normal Structure and Function 1 | 5 |
BIO 115 | Life Science for Elementary Teachers 1,2 | 4 |
BIO 161 | General Biology I Ecology and Evolution 1 | 4 |
BIO 162 | General Biology II Cells and Molecules 1 | 4 |
BIO 201 | Physiology of Exercise 1 | 4 |
BIO 208 | Genetics 1 | 4 |
BIO 212 | Pathophysiology: Alterations in Structure and Function (available online) | 4 |
BIO 215 | Cell and Molecular Biology 1 | 4 |
BIO 225 | Tests and Measurements in Exercise Science 1 | 3 |
BIO 227 | Biology of Animals 1 | 4 |
BIO 237 | Microbiology 1 | 4 |
CEM 101 | Introductory Chemistry 1 | 4 |
CEM 105 | Fundamentals of Chemistry 1 | 4 |
CEM 111 | General Chemistry I 1 | 4 |
CEM 122 | General Chemistry II 1 | 4 |
CEM 140 | Organic Biochemistry 1 | 4 |
CEM 211 | Organic Chemistry I 1 | 4 |
CEM 222 | Organic Chemistry II 1 | 4 |
ENV 101 | Introduction to Environmental Science and Lab 1 | 4 |
ENV 105 | Introduction to Environment and Society | 3 |
GLG 100 | Introduction to Earth Science (available online) 1 | 4 |
GLG 103 | Field Geology | 3 |
GLG 104 | Weather (available online) 1 | 4 |
GLG 110 | Geology of the National Parks and Monuments (available online) | 3 |
GLG 114 | Physical Geology and Lab (available online) 1 | 4 |
GLG 125 | The Earth Through Time (available online) | 3 |
GLG 276 | Principles of Geographic Information Systems | 3 |
PHY 100 | 1, 2 | |
PHY 105 | Conceptual Physics 1 | 4 |
PHY 111 | General Physics I 1 | 4 |
PHY 122 | General Physics II 1 | 4 |
PHY 211 | Analytical Physics I 1 | 5 |
PHY 222 | Analytical Physics II 1 | 5 |
Two Courses in Social Sciences
From two disciplines
Code | Title | Credits |
ANT 201 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | 3 |
ANT 202 | Introduction to Physical Anthropology | 3 |
ANT 205 | Introduction to Archaeology (available online) | 3 |
ANT 265 | Introduction to Forensic Anthropology | 3 |
ANT 290 | International Studies in Anthropology | 3 |
ECO 110 | Introduction to Economics | 3 |
ECO 211 | Economic Principles I - Macro (available online) | 3 |
ECO 222 | Economic Principles II - Micro (available online) | 3 |
ECO 280 | International Trade and Globalization | 3 |
EDU 104 | Introduction to Teaching in a Diverse Society (available online) 2 | 3 |
EDU 205 | Social Studies for Elementary Teachers (available online) 2 | 3 |
GEO 101 | World Regional Geography | 3 |
GEO 104 | Introduction to Cultural Geography | 3 |
HST 108 | The Ancient and Medieval World | 3 |
HST 109 | The Early Modern World | 3 |
HST 121 | Ancient and Medieval Europe | 3 |
HST 122 | Early Modern Europe | 3 |
HST 123 | The Twentieth Century | 3 |
HST 150 | African American History | 3 |
HST 200 | Michigan History | 3 |
HST 201 | United States History to 1877 (available online) | 3 |
HST 202 | United States History Since 1877 (available online) | 3 |
HST 215 | History of U.S. Foreign Relations | 3 |
HST 216 | U.S. Military History, Colonial Times to Present | 3 |
HST 220 | The Civil War Era, 1845 - 1877 (available online) | 3 |
HST 225 | World War II | 3 |
HST 230 | History of the Holocaust | 3 |
HST 235 | African History | 3 |
HST 241 | History of Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the Modern World | 3 |
HST 251 | War in the Modern World, 1500 - Present | 3 |
HST 260 | History of the British Isles to 1688 | 3 |
HST 290 | International Studies in History | 3 |
PLS 112 | Introduction to American Government (available online) | 3 |
PLS 220 | Politics and the Media | 3 |
PLS 241 | Guns, God and Ganja: U.S. Federalism | 3 |
PLS 250 | Campaigns and Elections | 3 |
PSY 100 | Introduction to Psychology (available online) | 3 |
PSY 150 | Psychology of Work (available online) | 3 |
PSY 200 | Child Psychology | 3 |
PSY 206 | Life Span Developmental Psychology (available online) | 4 |
PSY 210 | Behavior Modification (available online) | 3 |
PSY 220 | Human Development and Learning (available online) | 4 |
PSY 240 | Drugs, Society and Human Behavior (available online) | 3 |
PSY 251 | Education of Exceptional Children (available online) | 3 |
PSY 257 | Abnormal Psychology (available online) | 3 |
PSY 270 | Social Psychology (available online) | 3 |
PSY 296 | Neuropsychology of Addiction (available online) | 3 |
PSY 297 | Assessment of Co-occurring Disorders (available online) | 3 |
PSY 298 | Treatment of Addiction (available online) | 3 |
SOC 100 | Principles of Sociology (available online) | 3 |
SOC 202 | Criminology | 3 |
SOC 205 | Race and Ethnic Relations (available online) | 3 |
SOC 207 | Social Problems | 3 |
SOC 220 | Group Dynamics and Counseling | 3 |
SOC 225 | Family Social Work | 3 |
SOC 250 | Juvenile Delinquency | 3 |
Two Courses in Humanities and Fine Arts
From two disciplines; excluding studio and performance classes
Code | Title | Credits |
ARB 111 | First Year Arabic I | 5 |
ARB 122 | First Year Arabic II | 5 |
ART 130 | Art Appreciation (available online) | 3 |
ART 143 | African American Art and Culture | 3 |
ART 150 | Monuments and Cultures | 3 |
CHN 111 | First Year Chinese I | 5 |
CHN 122 | First Year Chinese II | 5 |
CHN 201 | Second Year Chinese | 4 |
CHN 202 | Second Year Chinese II | 4 |
COM 101 | Fundamentals of Speaking (available online) | 3 |
COM 102 | Interpersonal Communication (available online) | 3 |
COM 130 | Introduction to Mass Communication | 3 |
COM 142 | Oral Interpretation of Literature | 3 |
COM 183 | Persuasion | 3 |
COM 200 | Family Communication (available online) | 3 |
COM 210 | Nonverbal Communication | 3 |
COM 220 | Small Group Communication | 3 |
COM 225 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
DAN 180 | Dance Appreciation: The World of Dance | 3 |
DRA 180 | Theatre Appreciation: The World of Theatre | 3 |
EDU 220 | Arts in the Classroom (available online) 2 | 3 |
ENG 140 | Horror and Science Fiction | 3 |
ENG 160 | Introduction to Literature: Poetry and Drama | 3 |
ENG 170 | Introduction to Literature: Short Story and Novel (available online) | 3 |
ENG 181 | African-American Literature (available online) | 3 |
ENG 200 | Shakespeare (available online) | 3 |
ENG 201 | Foundations of Literacy (available online) 2 | 3 |
ENG 213 | World Literature I | 3 |
ENG 214 | Literature of the Non-Western World | 3 |
ENG 240 | Children's Literature | 3 |
ENG 242 | Diverse Children's Literature (available online) | 3 |
FLM 120 | Introduction to Film | 3 |
FLM 150 | International Cinema (available online) | 3 |
FLM 160 | American Film (available online) | 3 |
FLM 185 | The Horror Film | 3 |
FRN 111 | First Year French I | 5 |
FRN 122 | First Year French II | 5 |
GRM 111 | First Year German I | 5 |
GRM 122 | First Year German II | 5 |
GDT 101 | History of Graphic Design (available online) | 3 |
HUM 101 | Introduction to the Humanities - Ancient to Medieval | 3 |
HUM 102 | Introduction to the Humanities - Renaissance to Modern | 3 |
HUM 103 | Introduction to the Humanities - 20th Century to Present | 3 |
HUM 145 | Comparative Religions | 3 |
HUM 146 | Mythology | 3 |
HUM 175 | Arts and Cultures of Islam | 3 |
HUM 181 | World Cultures Creativity Forum | 3 |
JPN 111 | Elementary Japanese I | 5 |
MUS 140 | Music Theory I | 3 |
MUS 142 | Music Theory II | 3 |
MUS 180 | Music Appreciation: Our World (available online) | 3 |
PHL 101 | Introduction to Philosophy (available online) | 3 |
PHL 200 | Existentialism | 3 |
PHL 205 | Ethics | 3 |
PHL 241 | Environmental Ethics | 3 |
PHL 244 | Ethical and Legal Issues in Health Care | 3 |
PHL 250 | Logic | 3 |
PHO 103 | History of Photography | 3 |
SPN 111 | First Year Spanish I | 5 |
SPN 122 | First Year Spanish II | 5 |
SPN 201 | Second Year Spanish I | 4 |
SPN 202 | Second Year Spanish II | 4 |
- 1
Has laboratory experience
- 2
These courses will fulfill general education requirements for students in an education track only.