English as a Second Language (ESL)

This is an archived copy of the 2024-2025 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit https://coursecatalog.wccnet.edu.

ESL 023  High Beginning ESL Reading and Writing  (4 Credits)  
60 lecture, 4 total contact hours  
In this course, students will move beyond minimal survival English in the areas of reading and writing. The reading portion focuses on building vocabulary as well as reading skills. The writing portion focuses on the production of sentences on basic topics with much guidance. Satisfactory/unsatisfactory grading is used. Level I Prerequisite: ESL GVR Level E-1 and ESL Listening Level E-1
ESL 024  High Beginning ESL Grammar and Communication  (4 Credits)  
60 lecture, 4 total contact hours  
In this course, students will move beyond minimal survival English toward communication of daily living. This class is designed for students who have had some exposure to and/or instruction in English. Grammar and communicative competence are emphasized. This class can be taken concurrently with ESL 023 and ESL 025. Level I Prerequisite: ESL GVR Level E-1 and ESL Listening Level E-1
ESL 025  High Beginning ESL Listening and Speaking  (4 Credits)  
60 lecture, 4 total contact hours  
In this course, students will develop the skills necessary to move beyond minimal survival English toward communication for daily living. The speaking portion of this class will focus on the English sound system, basic pronunciation, and practical conversation skills. The listening portion focuses on the comprehension of spoken English. Level I Prerequisite: ESL GVR Level E-1 and ESL Listening Level E-1
ESL 128  Low Intermediate ESL Reading and Writing  (4 Credits)  
60 lecture, 4 total contact hours  
In this course, students will lay the foundations for reading and writing improvement needed at the intermediate ESL level. Emphasis is placed on the development of skills, reading for pleasure, and writing about personal topics. Vocabulary development, active reading strategies, silent reading and comprehension, and English sentence structure are covered. Students must satisfactorily complete their work before advancing to a higher level reading or writing course. Level I Prerequisite: ESL GRV Level E-2 and ESL Listening Level E-3
ESL 132  Intermediate ESL Grammar  (4 Credits)  
60 lecture, 4 total contact hours  
In this intermediate level course, students expand upon their knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary and their ability to understand and use spoken and written English. Special attention is given to the appropriate use of the forms studied. Level I Prerequisite: ESL GRV Level E-2 and ESL Listening Level E-3
ESL 134  Intermediate ESL Reading  (4 Credits)  
60 lecture, 4 total contact hours  
In this course, students further develop independent reading comprehension skills for ESL. Emphasis is placed on vocabulary development, active reading strategies, variable reading rates, independent silent reading and comprehension. Students must satisfactorily complete their work before advancing to a higher level reading course. Level I Prerequisite: ESL GVR Level E-3 and ESL Listening Level E-3
ESL 135  English Listening, Pronunciation and Conversation (ESL)  (4 Credits)  
60 lecture, 4 total contact hours  
Level I Prerequisite: ESL GVR Level E-3 and ESL Listening Level E-3; Students with ESL Reading Level E-2 may enroll in ESL 128 concurrently
ESL 138  Intermediate ESL Writing  (4 Credits)  
60 lecture, 4 total contact hours  
In this course, students learn to internalize both the grammar and vocabulary that they have been studying by using it to produce well-formed sentences and paragraphs. The focus is on strengthening the students' ability to express themselves in written English. Level I Prerequisite: ESL GVR Level E-4 and ESL Listening Level E-3; Students with ESL GVR Level E-3 may enroll in ESL 132 and ESL 134 concurrently
ESL 155  Advanced ESL Pronunciation Clinic  (1 Credit)  
15 lecture, 1 total contact hours  
In this course, international students will target areas of pronunciation that affect their comprehensibility and self-confidence in academic and professional speaking contexts. Guided attention will be given to the mastery of English phonemes and suprasegmentals. Instruction will focus on advanced level vocabulary, self-monitoring techniques, and real-life practice. Students will set goals for their own accent reduction or accent softening and receive individualized help and feedback. This course is appropriate for any international student enrolled at WCC who would like to improve their pronunciation. This course may be completed for credit up to a maximum of three times. This course contains material previously taught in ESL 165. Level I Prerequisite: (ESL GVR Level E-4 and ESL Listening Level E-4) or (Academic Reading Level 5 and Academic Writing Level 3)
ESL 161  Advanced ESL Grammar  (4 Credits)  
60 lecture, 4 total contact hours  
In this course, students study sophisticated forms of English grammar, including subject/verb inversion, reduced clauses, and complex verb phrases. Special attention is given to the appropriate use of the forms studied. Successful completion of ESL 161 is required for progressing into classes with native speakers. Level I Prerequisite: ESL GVR Level E-4 and ESL Listening Level E-4 and ESL 138 minimum grade "C" may enroll concurrently; Students with ESL Listening Level E-3 may enroll in ESL 135 concurrently
ESL 167  Advanced ESL Reading and Listening  (4 Credits)  
60 lecture, 4 total contact hours  
In this course, international students will develop the reading and listening skills needed for success in American college classrooms. Emphasis will be placed on critical reading, vocabulary, and thinking skills needed to comprehend, analyze, and interpret college-level reading materials and lectures. Students will practice reading and listening strategies that can be implemented beyond the limits of this course. This course contains material previously taught in ESL 165. Level I Prerequisite: (ESL GVR Level E-4 and ESL Listening Level E-4; ESL 138 minimum grade "C", may enroll concurrently) or (Academic Reading Level 3 and Academic Writing Level 3)
ESL 168  Advanced ESL Writing  (4 Credits)  
60 lecture, 4 total contact hours  
In this course, students focus on strengthening the academic writing skills needed for American college courses. Emphasis will be on developing ideas in paragraphs and essays. Students will engage in rigorous study of academic vocabulary needed for college-level writing. Students are required to complete Writing Center assignments outside of class. Successful completion of this course with a minimum grade of "C" will raise students' Academic Writing level to 6. Level I Prerequisite: ESL GVR Level E-5 and ESL Listening Level E-4 or ESL 161 minimum grade "C"; Students with ESL GVR E-4 and Listening Level E-4 may enroll in ESL 161 concurrently or Students with ESL 138 minimum grade "C" and concurrent enrollment in ESL 161