Early Childhood Development (ECD)

This is an archived copy of the 2024-2025 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit https://coursecatalog.wccnet.edu.

ECD 101  Child Development  (3 Credits)  
45 lecture, 3 total contact hours  
In this course, students receive an overview of growth and development of young children from birth through age eight. It includes areas of physical, language and communication, math and science, and social emotional development. Child development theory, theorists and current research on executive function and brain development are also examined. This course was previously CCP 101. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
ECD 122  Essentials of Early Care and Education - I  (4 Credits)  
Corequisites: ECD 132  
60 lecture, 4 total contact hours  
In this course, students learn the basic components of early care and education. Students will identify developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood education in the CDA functional areas of safety, health, learning environment, families, program management, and professionalism. They will construct competency statements and resource collections in each of these functional areas meeting national CDA standards. This is the first of two courses, which are required for national CDA Certification. This course was previously CCP 122. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; consent required
ECD 123  Essentials of Early Care and Education - II  (4 Credits)  
Corequisites: ECD 133  
60 lecture, 4 total contact hours  
In this course, students learn the additional components of early care and education. Students will identify developmentally appropriate practices in early childhood education in the remaining CDA functional areas of physical, cognitive, communication, creative, self, social, and guidance. They will construct competency statements in each of these functional areas and develop lesson plans and resource collections, which meet national CDA standards. This is the second of two courses, which are required for national CDA Certification. This course was previously CCP 123. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; consent required
ECD 124  CDA Assessment Preparation  (1 Credit)  
15 lecture, 1 total contact hours  
In this course, students prepare for the national Child Development Associate (CDA) credential process. Students compile the required professional portfolio, take practice exams and review the site visit procedures. This course was previously CCP 124. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ECD 122, ECD 123, ECD 132 and ECD 133
ECD 132  Child Development Practicum I  (1 Credit)  
Corequisites: ECD 122  
120 clinical/other, 1 total contact hours  
In this course, students gain practical experience working with young children in early childhood programs. Students will make connections between theory and practice, develop professional behaviors, and build a comprehensive understanding of working with young children and their families. Students are observed twice by a practicum instructor and receive detailed feedback on their teaching practice. Students will work or volunteer for 120 clock hours in an approved program. This course was previously CCP 132. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; consent required
ECD 133  Child Development Practicum II  (1 Credit)  
Corequisites: ECD 123  
120 clinical/other, 1 total contact hours  
In this course, students gain additional practical experience working with young children in early childhood programs. Students will continue to build on their experiences in ECD 132 by focusing on appropriate adult-child interactions and child guidance techniques. Students are observed twice by a practicum instructor and receive detailed feedback on their teaching practice. Students will work or volunteer for 120 clock hours in an approved program. This course was previously CCP 133. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; consent required
ECD 180  Working with Families in a Diverse Society  (3 Credits)  
45 lecture, 3 total contact hours  
This course explores the parent - professional partnership. Emphasis is on increasing knowledge and skills for working with diverse families, family differences and functions, communication strategies, and methods for increasing parent involvement in facilitating optimal child development. Advocacy on behalf of children and families, and resources for the professionals are also included. This course was previously CCP 200. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ECD 101 minimum grade "C"
ECD 200  Positive Child Guidance  (3 Credits)  
45 lecture, 3 total contact hours  
In this course, students will apply evidence-based practices to support each child's social-emotional learning and development. Students will learn developmentally appropriate expectations that take into account children's commonality, individuality, and context as well as how these factors influence behavior. Students will create supportive learning environments and practice positive communication skills with children and families. Students will also practice conflict resolution techniques. The title of this course was previously Child Guidance and Classroom Management. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ECD 101 minimum grade "C"
ECD 205  Administration of Child Care Programs  (3 Credits)  
45 lecture, 3 total contact hours  
This course meets Michigan's child day care administration requirement for program directors and site supervisors. The basis of effective program management is reviewed. Students acquire knowledge of policies relating to children, staff, parents and center operations. Students write policies and procedures required of a program director in Michigan and collect resources needed by an effective program manager. Students who possess the National Child Care credential (CDA) or other professionals who qualify for an administration course should contact the instructor for permission to register. This course was previously CCP 211. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ECD 101 minimum grade "C"
ECD 210  Curriculum for Young Children  (3 Credits)  
45 lecture, 3 total contact hours  
This course provides an overview of curriculum for young children from birth to age twelve with emphasis on two through five years old. The focus is on developing multi-cultural/anti-bias curriculum activities that are developmentally appropriate for various ages and stages of development. Experience with children in a group setting during the semester is required. This course was previously CCP 209. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ECD 101 minimum grade "C"
ECD 220  Development and Care of Infants and Toddlers  (3 Credits)  
45 lecture, 3 total contact hours  
In this course, students will learn about the care of children from birth through thirty-six months of age and how to develop appropriate curriculum for this group. Emphasis is on the care and education of infants and toddlers in licensed group settings with attention to caregiver interaction strategies and developing meaningful activities to support children's development. This course was previously CCP 220. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ECD 101 minimum grade "C"
ECD 221  Infant Toddler Practicum  (1 Credit)  
Corequisites: ECD 220  
36 clinical/other, 1 total contact hours  
In this practicum, students will conduct 36 hours of observation in an off-site National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accredited infant and toddler classroom. Students will observe, identify, and reflect on evidence-based strategies that support children's development, curriculum, and teaching strategies. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6
ECD 225  Infant-Toddler: Critical Competencies for Working with Young Children  (3 Credits)  
45 lecture, 3 total contact hours  
In this course, students will explore the critical role that the adult-child relationship plays in supporting infant and toddlers' optimal development and learning in three key areas: (1) social-emotional, (2) cognitive, and (3) language and literacy. Students will also gain knowledge and skills that support the unique characteristics of infants and toddlers from dual-/multilingual families. This course was previously CCP 225. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ECD 101 minimum grade "C", may enroll concurrently
ECD 230  Child Observation and Assessment  (3 Credits)  
45 lecture, 3 total contact hours  
In this course, students will explore developmentally appropriate observation and assessment techniques for young children and early childhood programs. Students will learn to objectively record observations of young children, complete child assessments and use assessment data to inform instruction. Students will also be exposed to program assessment based on Michigan's Early Childhood Standards of Quality. This course was previously CCP 230. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ECD 210 or ECD 220, minimum grade "C"; may enroll concurrently
ECD 240  Education of the Young Child with Exceptionalities  (3 Credits)  
45 lecture, 3 total contact hours  
This course presents an overview of the major categories of exceptionality. Methods for identifying and working with young children in child care, recreational and educational settings are explored. Working with an interdisciplinary team and partnering with parents is a major focus. A working knowledge of resources, a comfort level for working with exceptional children and their families, and exploring the roles of professionals who work with exceptional populations are stressed. This course was previously CCP 251. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ECD 101 minimum grade "C"
ECD 280  The Developing Professional in Early Childhood Education  (2 Credits)  
30 lecture, 2 total contact hours  
In this course, students will learn to plan meaningful and engaging curriculum through lesson plans to support appropriate goals for young children. Students will learn and plan intentional adult-child interactions and child guidance strategies to support children's social and emotional development. Students will also explore the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Code of Ethical Conduct. This course was previously CCP 204. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ECD 210 or ECD 220, minimum grade "C"; ECD 281 or ECD 282, may enroll concurrently; consent required
ECD 281  Practicum for the Developing ECE Professional  (1 Credit)  
36 clinical/other, 1 total contact hours  
In this practicum course students gain teaching experience in an early childhood education classroom under the guidance of a master teacher. Students will implement curriculum and teaching strategies that provide active exploration and learning based on their knowledge of children's development and children's individual interests and characteristics. Students are observed twice during the semester and are expected to volunteer for 3 hours per week for 36 hours total in a Head Start or GSRP classroom. This course was previously CCP 205. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ECD 280 may enroll concurrently; consent required
ECD 282  Developing Professional: Child Development Practicum  (1 Credit)  
36 clinical/other, 1 total contact hours  
In this advanced practicum course students assume the role of the lead teacher in an early childhood classroom. Students will implement curriculum and teaching strategies that provide active exploration and learning based on their knowledge of children's development and children's individual interests and characteristics. Students are observed twice during the semester and will work or volunteer for 36 clock hours in an approved classroom. This course contains material previously taught in CCP 219. Level I Prerequisite: Academic Reading and Writing Levels of 6; ECD 280, may enroll concurrently; consent required