Executive Officers, Deans, Full-Time Faculty and Professional Staff

This is an archived copy of the 2024-2025 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit https://coursecatalog.wccnet.edu.


Abella, Mohammed
Prof Faculty Mathematics
MS - University of Miami
PHD - University of Miami

Ackovska, Natasha
Building Trades Accountant

Adelmann, Marisol
Coordinator of Enrollment, Assessment, and Data - Adult Transitions

Albach, Suzanne
Prof Faculty Geology
BS - Eastern Michigan University
BA - Bowling Green State University
MS - Mississippi State University

Alsobrooks, Nicole
Prof Faculty Nursing
BSN - Bloomsburg University of Penns
MSN - Drexel University

Anderson, Aaron
Prof Faculty English (Comp)
BA - Michigan State University
MA - Clarkson College
MA - University of Phoenix

Andrews, Rebecca
Resource Recovery Manager

Ankerson, Ingrid
Prof Fac Graph Des/Media Arts
BA - University of Wisconsin-Madiso
MA - University of Baltimore
M1 - Unknown

Apley, MariAnn
Start Up Manager
MA - Michigan State University

Artiles, Amy
Learning Solutions Engineer
AAPS - Washtenaw Community College
BS - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
M1 - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Averill, Marshall
Stdnt Success Coach Title III
BS - Eastern Michigan University


Bacigal, Jake
Learning Solutions Engineer

Bai, Jing
Prof Faculty Computer Science
000000 - University of Detroit Mercy
MS - University of Detroit Mercy

Bailey, Shyanne
Inst. Lab Asst ASV
AD - Washtenaw Community College

Barber, Mark
Chf Egnr Elctrcl and Mech Trds
000000 - Eastern Gateway Community Coll
000000 - Ventura County Community Colle
CER - Oxnard College

Barkoff, Larry
General Counsel
BA - Michigan State University
MA - Michigan State University
JD - Wayne State University

Barnes, Terry
Vice Pres and Chief Fin Office
BS - University of Tennessee at Mar
MBA - University of South Carolina -

Barrett, Christopher
Prof Faculty Anthropology
BA - The Ohio State University Main
MA - The Ohio State University Main
PHD - The Ohio State University Main

Barrie, Maryam
Prof Faculty English/Writing
AGS - Washtenaw Community College
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
MA - Eastern Michigan University

Barsch, Rachel
Program Development Manager, Lifelong Learning
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MPA - Eastern Michigan University

Bass, Shannon
Public Safety (Non-Sworn) Patrol Officer

Bauer, James
LP Counselor/Non-Clin Case Mgr
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MA - Eastern Michigan University

Bauer, Cameron
Campus Resource Officer
WCPA - Schoolcraft College
B1 - Western Michigan University
BA - Western Michigan University

Bayz, Kalthoum
Prof Faculty Life Sciences
BD - Univ of Michigan-Dearborn
MRD - California State University-Fu

Beck, Laura
Student Advisor
BA - Baker College System
B1 - Baker College of Mount Clemens
M1 - Madonna University

Bedell, Cassandra
Public Safety Dispatcher

Bellanca, Rose
AA - Macomb Community College
BS - Wayne State University
MED - Wayne State University

Bernard, Hope
Drama and Film Instructor
BA - Biola University
MA - California State University-No
PHD - Bowling Green State University

Bernstein, Ashley
Prof Faculty Physical Therapy

Berry, Joy
Director of Student Affairs
AD - Washtenaw Community College

Bigliardi, Louis
Sergeant Campus Public Safety
B1 - Eastern Michigan University

Billings, Kim
Logistics Dir UA Programs
BA - Grand Valley State University
MS - Boston University

Binder, Amanda
Business Consultant MI SBDC
BS - Ferris State University
MBA - Arizona State University Main

Bindschadler, Kevin
Prof Faculty Digital Media Art
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
BA - Center For Creative Studies -

Bird, Sera
Coordinator Curriculum and Assessment

Blaha, Megan
Learning Experience Designer

Blair, Dena
Prof Faculty Communications
BA - Adrian College
MA - Eastern Michigan University

Blakey, Linda
Provost and Chf Operating Ofcr
BS - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
MS - University of Nevada-Las Vegas

Bloomfield, Stephen
Mngr Recruit and Stud Outreach
NON - Ohio Wesleyan University
BA - Albion College

Borges, Nikki
Chief Philanthropy Officer
BS - University of Arizona

Brewer, Rachel
Assistant Controller
BD - Saginaw Valley State Universit

Brooks, Vanessa
Chief of Staff
AS - Washtenaw Community College
BS - Eastern Michigan University

Brooks, Marva
Prof Faculty Nursing
CERT - Wayne State University
BSN - Washington State University
MSN - University of Washington - Sea

Broom, Marcel
Custodial Supervisor

Brown, Michael
Student Advisor
M1 - Eastern Michigan University

Bruckner, Katherine
Project Manager

Bu, Weishu
Prof Faculty Physics
PHD - Florida State University

Bucy, Theresa
Prof Faculty Nursing
CERT - Lewis University
AD - Oakland Community Col Bloomfld
BSN - Wayne State University

Bull, Danette
Prof Faculty Physical Sciences
AAS - Gogebic Community College
BS - Michigan Technological Univers
MA - Univ of Michigan-Dearborn

Bungo, Meghan
Prof Faculty Philosophy
BA - University of West Florida
PHD - University of Tennessee Univer

Burge, Joshua
Dir Sprinkler Fitter Education
000000 - Macomb Community College
AD - Macomb Community College
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Burke, Starr
Prof Faculty Behavioral Sci
BS - Wayne State University
MA - Eastern Michigan University


Call-Boyce, Brittany
Asst Dir Fin Aid-Technical

Capraru, Veronica
Supervisor Student Organizations
AS - Washtenaw Community College
BS - Eastern Michigan University

Carpenter, Amy
Coordinator Instr Supp MSE
AA - Washtenaw Community College

Carter, Robert
Prof Faculty HVACR
AAS - Macomb Community College

Cislo, Daniel
Instructional Laboratory Assistant – Transportation Technologies

Clarke, Nagash
Prof Faculty Chemistry
000000 - Pace University Pleasantville
BS - Pace University Pleasantville
M1 - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Clink, Bradley
Prof Faculty Welding
B1 - Ferris State University

Clinthorne, Alexander
Ceramics and Studio Art Instructor
BFA - University of Hawaii at Manoa
MFA - Montana State University - Boz

Clipner, James
Audio Prd/Dig Media Instructor
000000 - University of South Carolina -

Cocco, Richard
Classroom Tech Coord
AD - Washtenaw Community College

Coleman, Allan
Prof Fac Machine Tool and CNC
AD - Oakland Community Col Bloomfld
AD - Oakland Community College
AAS - Oakland Community College

Collison, Nancy
Director Online Technologies
AD - Delta College
AA - Delta College
BA - Saginaw Valley State Universit

Concannon, Breege
Prof Faculty Physical Sciences
PHD - University of South Carolina -
PHD - University of South Carolina -

Conniff, James
Instructional Lab Asst
AA - Washtenaw Community College

Covington, Myron
Prof Faculty Communication
BA - Central Michigan University
MA - The University of Alabama

Currie, Kathy
Stud Sys Architect/Registrar
AD - Washtenaw Community College

Cwiek, Thaddeus
Chief Labor Relations Officer
BA - Oakland University
JD - Wayne State University


David, Lawrence
Prof Faculty Mathematics
BS - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
MS - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Davis, Jason
Prof Faculty Mathematics
AD - Washtenaw Community College
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MA - Eastern Michigan University

Day, Allen
Prof Faculty Auto Services
AS - Washtenaw Community College
BS - Northern Michigan University

Deacon, Amanda
Student Advisor - Career Success
000000 - Eastern Michigan University
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MA - Oakland University

Dentel, Susan
Prof Faculty Life Sciences
BS - Ferris State University
MS - Eastern Michigan University

Deron, Shawn
Prof Faculty Motorcycle
CERT - Clarkson College

Dietz, Amber
Digital Media Arts Instructor - Photography
BD - Oakland University
MRD - Oakland University

Do, Christina
Coord Student Equity and Inclu
NON - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
AAS - Clarkson College
AD - Henry Ford College

Do, Khiet
Instr Lab Asst Industrial Tech
B1 - Eastern Michigan University
BS - Eastern Michigan University

Donham, Marilyn
Dean Skilled Trade Training
B1 - Eastern Michigan University
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MS - Eastern Michigan University

Donoghue, Steve
Director of Design and Construction Services
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
MA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Dougherty, Benjamin
Senior Research Analyst

Dowell, Sin Mei
Director, FPandA
MS - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Downey, Patrick
Conference Events Director

Drouhard, Tim
JATC Support and Engagement Coordinator
BA - The College of Wooster
MLIS - University of Wisconsin-Milwau

Dryja, Matthew
Conference and Events Coordinator
BA - Clarkson College
B1 - Eastern Michigan University

Dubin, Douglas
Major Gifts and Development Director

Dubuc, Andrew
Prof Faculty Mechatronics Instructor
000000 - Eastern Michigan University
AD - Washtenaw Community College

Duff, Emily
Prof Faculty Geo/Enviro Sci
BS - Albion College
MS - Michigan Technological Univers
PHD - Michigan Technological Univers


Englehart, Laurie
Adult Transitions Director
AD - Kalamazoo Valley Community Col
BS - Western Michigan University

Enos, Gabriella
Coordinator Instructional Support - Humanities, Social, and Behavioral Sciences
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Erwin, David
Prof Faculty Mathematics
BS - Clarkson College
MS - Michigan State University

Espinoza, Raechel
Student Advisor
000000 - Henry Ford College
B1 - Univ of Michigan-Dearborn
MA - Bowling Green State University

Esposito, Anthony
UA Program and Services Technical Director


Fama, Grace
Dir Advising and Success Coach
B1 - University of Arizona
BA - University of Arizona
M1 - Michigan State University

Farhat, May
Prof Faculty Chemistry
PHD - Wayne State University

Farthing, Matthew
Director of Content and Access
BSED - Bowling Green State University
MLIS - Wayne State University

Faulkner, Veronica
Project Management Coord
CERT - Washtenaw Community College
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Finley, Cheryl
College Stud Advisor/Case Mgr
BA - Michigan State University
MA - Wayne State University

Firth, Chelsea
Creative Media Specialist
BFA - Center For Creative Studies -

Fitzpatrick, David
Prof Faculty Social Sciences
BS - United States Military Academy
PHD - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Foley, Lauren
Prof Faculty Social Sciences
B1 - Alma College
M1 - Unknown

Foreman, Kendall
Marketing Manager
B1 - Central Michigan University
BA - Central Michigan University

Fournier, Allison
Prof Faculty Humanities
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MA - Eastern Michigan University

Frank, Ronda
Health Science Instructor
AAS - Monroe County Community Colleg
AD - Wayne County Community College
BSN - Lourdes College

Franklin, Jenelle
Enrollment Onboarding Coord
AA - Washtenaw Community College

Friedland-Volz, Kayla
Mgr Advancement (Scholarship, Emergency Fund, Board Supp)
BA - Central Michigan University
MRD - Central Michigan University

Fujii, Yuji
Director of Emerging Technology Initiatives
MS - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
PHD - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Fuller, Emily
College Safety and Wellness OFC
B1 - Calvin College
BA - Calvin College
BS - Calvin College


Gainsley, Suzanne
Early Childhood Education and Development Instructor
BA - Eastern Michigan University
MA - Univ of Michigan-Dearborn

Gapp, DeAnna
Prof Faculty Nursing
BSN - Eastern Michigan University
MS - Indiana University-Purdue Univ
PHD - Eastern Michigan University

Garey, Michelle
Prof Faculty Foreign Languages
BA - University of Michigan-Flint
MA - The Ohio State University Main

Geddes, Sheri
Business Instructor - Accounting
BA - University of Iowa
MA - University of Iowa

George-Sturges, Cassandra
Prof Faculty Psych/Education
MA - Eastern Michigan University
MA - Wayne State University

Ghotane, Sarah
Restricted Funds Accountant
BD - Eastern Michigan University

Ghrist, William
Dir. Energy, Sustainability and Facilities Planning
AD - Washtenaw Community College

Gilbert, Leslie
Prof Faculty Mathematics
BS - University of Illinois at Urba
MS - Northern Illinois University

Gilmore, Rhonda
Professional Counselor
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MA - Eastern Michigan University

Goldenberg, Zachary
Mechatronics Instructor
CERT - Washtenaw Community College

Gomez, Paul
Campus Resource Officer
AD - Kirtland Community College

Goodman, Gregory
Public Safety Supervisor

Gottschang, Kelley
Prof Fac Digital Media Arts
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MA - Wayne State University

Grace, Lynn
BBA - University of Notre Dame

Graves, Kei
Humanities and Global Studies Instructor
BD - Rocky Mountain College of Art
MRD - Tiffin University
PHD - Union Institute

Greaves, Valerie
Prof Faculty Health Science
BSN - Eastern Michigan University
MS - Madonna University

Guerrero, Debra
Director Learning/Support Serv
000000 - Wayne State University
000000 - California State University-Sa
BA - Wayne State University


Hagood, Robert
Prof Faculty Physical Sciences
BS - Eastern Michigan University
M1 - Eastern Michigan University
MS - Eastern Michigan University

Hale, Jessica
Prof Faculty Academic Skills
CERT - Indiana University East
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
MA - Indiana University East

Hammond, Erin
Clinical Instructor Radiograph
AS - Washtenaw Community College
BS - Xavier University

Hampton, Sophie
Recruitment and Outreach Specialist
B1 - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Hane, Julie
Recruitment and Outreach Spec
B1 - Eastern Michigan University
BS - Eastern Michigan University

Hardin, Olivia
ESL Instructor
B1 - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
M1 - Eastern Michigan University

Harrison, Donald
Director of Purchasing
BBA - Eastern Michigan University

Harvey, Cheryl
Director of College and Career Readiness
BA - Michigan State University
MA - Eastern Michigan University

Hatcher, Robert
Prof Faculty Mathematics
NON - Eastern Michigan University
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
M1 - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Hathaway, Abigail
Program Development Manager, Corporate Training
000000 - Grand Valley State University
AD - Grand Rapids Community College
BS - Western Michigan University

Hauswirth, Barbara
Assistant Director of Experiential Learning and Employer Engagement
B1 - Michigan State University
BA - Michigan State University

Haverty, Melissa
Union Trades Prog Spec
AD - Henry Ford College
AA - Henry Ford College

Heidebrink, Gregg
Prof Faculty Social Sciences
BA - Iowa State University
MA - Southern Methodist University

Heise, Anne
Prof Faculty Life Sciences
BA - Swarthmore College
MS - University of Vermont

Herbert, Ann
Physical Therapist Asst Instru
BS - University of Michigan-Flint
BS - Western Michigan University

Herbin, Christina
Prof Faculty Psychology
000000 - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
BA - Clarkson College
MA - Boston College

Herman, Holly
Landscape and Grds Maint Mgr
000000 - Monroe County Community Colleg
000000 - Ball State University
BA - Ball State University

Holcomb, Kelley
Transfer and Articulation Coord
BA - Eastern Michigan University
MA - Eastern Michigan University

Holsey, Mark
Instr Lab Asst HVAC
BS - Hampton University
BA - Hampton University

Horn, James
Learning Commons Lab Assoc
NON - Lansing Community College
NON - Naugatuck Valley Community-Tec
NON - Lansing Community College

Houts, Cindy
Board, Major Gifts and Financial Project Manager
BA - Siena Heights University

Hovermale, Joyce
Student Success Coach - CTE

Hueter, Andrew
Prof Faculty Auto Services
AAPS - Lincoln Technical Institute

Hunholz, Benjamin
Exec Dir FPandA, Treasurer
BBA - Western Michigan University
MS - Walsh College of Accountancy A

Hunt, Theresa
Manager Instructional Operations and Support Services
AAS - Washtenaw Community College


Jackson, Corey
Program Development Manager, Corporate Training
AA - Washtenaw Community College
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
M1 - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Jackson, Earle
Stdnt Success Coach Title III
BS - Eastern Michigan University

Jackson, Patricia
Certification and Outreach Coordinator
AAS - Washtenaw Community College
BSW - Eastern Michigan University

Jajuga, Leigh
Web Services Director
BA - Central Michigan University

Jenkins, Joyce
Prof Faculty Bus Office System
BS - Michigan State University
MS - Eastern Michigan University

Jennings, Terri
Manager of Admissions
NON - Davenport University West
NON - Oakland Community College
NON - Oakland University

Jennings Jr, Clarence
VP Student Services
BS - University of Michigan-Flint
M1 - University of Michigan-Flint
MA - University of Michigan-Flint

Jepsen, Jill
Prof Faculty Humanities (Art)
BA - Hope College
MA - Western Michigan University
MFA - Western Michigan University

Johns, Rhonda
Medical Assistant Instructor
BA - Siena Heights University
MS - Capella University

Johnson, Tracci
Dean of Students
BA - University of Toledo
MA - Temple University

Johnson, Dale
CRM Administrator

Johnson, Gabrielle
Coord Stdnt Engagement
BS - Central Michigan University
BA - Central Michigan University
MA - Wayne State University

Johnson, Charles
Prof Faculty Humanities
BA - Oakland University
MA - Michigan State University
PHD - Michigan State University

Johnson, Patrick
Biology Instructor (Exercise Science Program)
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MS - Eastern Michigan University

Johnston, Mark
Prof Faculty Accounting
BBA - Eastern Michigan University
MS - Walsh College of Accountancy A

Jones, Jerry
Faculty Development Specialist
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Jones, Ashley
Prof Faculty Welding
000000 - Schoolcraft College
AS - Washtenaw Community College
BS - Eastern Michigan University

Jones, Lesley
Student Advisor - Title III
BA - Albion College
M1 - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Julet, Michelle
Director Entrepreneurship Cntr

Jurek, Kandi
Manager UA Programs
BBA - Eastern Michigan University
M1 - Eastern Michigan University


Kapp, Marilyn
Executive Director of Workforce Development

Kay, Glenn
Prof Faculty Welding
AD - Washtenaw Community College
BA - Cleary University

Keefer, Megan
Manager Talent Acquisition
BA - West Virginia University
MPA - Eastern Michigan University

Kenrick, Angela
Prof Faculty Mathematics
BA - Clarkson College

Kerr, John
Prof Faculty Social Sciences
BSED - Central Michigan University
MA - Western Michigan University

Kidd, Michael
Prof Faculty Comp Sci/Info Tec
AAS - Washtenaw Community College
BS - Eastern Michigan University

Klemmer, Nichole
Prof Faculty Mathematics
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MAT - Marygrove College

Klemmer, Robert
Prof Faculty Mathematics
BA - Michigan State University
MA - Michigan State University

Knox, Nannette
Career and Life Success Coordinator
AA - Washtenaw Community College
BA - Clarkson College
MA - Eastern Michigan University

Koper, Olivia
Intake Cons/Prgm Specialist
BS - Oakland University

Kopera, Steve
Senior UI/UX Web Designer
BS - Northwestern University

Krah, Stephanie
Executive Director of College Access and Success
AS - University of Toledo
BD - University of Toledo
PHD - Ohio University Main Campus

Krantz, Carrie
Prof Faculty English/Writing
B1 - Edinboro University of Pennsyl
BS - Edinboro University of Pennsyl
MA - Bowling Green State University

Kujawski, Lilly
Coordinator of WCC Student Newspaper
AA - Washtenaw Community College

Kulju, Isaac
Public Safety Dispatch Supervisor


Lambert, Shari
Dean Health Sciences

LaMontagne, Lucia
Manager Payroll
AD - Henry Ford College

Langs, Douglas
Prof Faculty Social Sciences
B1 - Albion College
BA - Adrian College
MA - University of Detroit Mercy

Lanier, Mia
Manager of Ed and Col Readiness
BA - Bennett College

Leacher, John
Chief Public Sfty/Police/Emerg

Lecz, Alan
Advanced Transportation Center Director
BSE - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Ledermann, Molly
Professional Librarian
BA - University of Wisconsin-Madiso
MLIS - University of Wisconsin-Madiso

Lee, Julie
Academic Advisor, ATP
CER - Kent State University Main Cam
B1 - Central Michigan University
BA - Central Michigan University

Lee, Whitney
Student Advisor College
AD - Delta College
B1 - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

LeFort, Fran
Director Media Relations
BA - Mcneese State University
BA - Black Hills State University

Lehn, Karolyn
Licensed Professional Counselor/Non-Clinical Case Manager
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
MA - San Jose State University

Leshkevich, Peter
Dean Enrollment Management and Student Experience
CERT - Washtenaw Community College
AAS - Washtenaw Community College
BBA - Cleary University

Levitt-Phillips, Hava
Prof Faculty English/Writing
BA - Eastern Michigan University
MA - Eastern Michigan University

Lewis, James
Prof Faculty Computer Science and Information Technology Instructor
CERT - Oregon State University
BS - Southern Illinois University
MA - Eastern Michigan University

Lewis, Kenneth
Prof Faculty Auto Services
000000 - Mississippi State University

Liesen, Jeremy
Video Designer
CERT - Washtenaw Community College

Lindsey, Kevin
Prof Faculty Pub Svc Careers
AA - Jackson College
BA - Spring Arbor University
MA - Spring Arbor University

Linford, Benjamin
Director Curriculum/Assesmnt
000000 - Southern Utah University

Linford, Sheila
Project Mgt Coord - Mrktg/Comm
AD - Davenport University East
AD - Clarkson College

Lockwood, Bethany
JATC669Technical Writer-Editor
BA - Baker College System
MA - Chatham College

Loizides-Weber, Cynthia
Campus Interior Space Design and Planning Manager

Lowing, Robert
Prof Faculty Auto Body
AD - Washtenaw Community College
AD - Schoolcraft College

Lu, Yin
Prof Faculty Mathematics
PHD - State University of New York A

Lucas, Matthew
Manager of WCC Sports
BA - Univ of Michigan-Dearborn
M1 - Eastern Michigan University
MS - Eastern Michigan University


MacDonald, Sherry
Prof Faculty Nursing
CERT - University of Central Florida
BSN - Saint Xavier University
MSN - University of Central Florida

Main, Christy
Supervisor Student Activities

Maitland, Jennifer
Business Instructor - Management and Human Resources
BS - Roosevelt University
MS - Roosevelt University
MBA - Capella University

Majaess, Daniel
Prof Faculty Astronomy

Makowski, Zachary
Institutional Research Officer
NON - University of Toledo
BA - Spring Arbor University

Mallett, Alyssa
Accountant I
AA - Washtenaw Community College
BA - Eastern Michigan University
AB - Eastern Michigan University

Malpani, Smita
Prof Fac Environmental Science
BS - Clarkson College
M1 - Wellesley College

Manchester, Natasha
Financial Aid Coordinator
CERT - Jackson College
AA - Jackson College
BAS - Siena Heights University

Manoukian, Lisa
Prof Faculty Mathematics
BS - Univ of Michigan-Dearborn
MA - Oakland University

Mansour, Khaled
Prof Faculty Computer Instruct
MS - Western Michigan University

Marchand, Lori-Ann
Operations Manager
B1 - Eastern Michigan University

Marinkovski, Elizabeta
Benefits Coordinator
CERT - Washtenaw Community College
AGS - Washtenaw Community College
BA - Eastern Michigan University

Marshall, Beth
Prof Fac Early Childhood Ed
BSW - Michigan State University
MED - Oakland University

Martin, Sean
Prof Fac Robotics and Autom Tech
AA - Washtenaw Community College
AD - Eastern Michigan University

Martindale, Brian
Prof Faculty HVAC
AD - Washtenaw Community College

Martinez, Michelle
Program Assistive Technology Specialist, LSS

Martis, Diane
Manager Testing Center
BA - Michigan State University

Mason, Pamela
CRM Project Manager
AD - Washtenaw Community College

Mayo, Christopher
Health Sciences Simulation Technician

Mccarthy, Sandra
Professional Librarian
BA - Wayne State University
MA - University of Detroit Mercy

McCormick, Leigh
Records Mngt Specialist

McCowin, Jerrell
Professional Counselor
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MS - Eastern Michigan University

McCracken, Alexandra
College Student Advisor
AD - Washtenaw Community College
BBA - University of Michigan-Flint

McCullers, Sheena

McIntosh, Kelli
Manager Enrollment Services
AA - Washtenaw Community College
B1 - Eastern Michigan University
BA - Eastern Michigan University

McNeil, Barry
Business Instructor - Supply Chain
MRD - Georgia Institute of Technolog

Mendrick, Andrea
Manager HR Total Rewards
AD - Washtenaw Community College
AGS - Washtenaw Community College

Merusi, Michelle
VP Economic and Coll Development
AA - Eastern Florida State College
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
MA - Michigan State University

Metz, Bradley
Prof Faculty Biology
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MS - Northeastern University

Middlebrook, Brittany
Student Advisor
BA - Michigan State University
M1 - Michigan State University
MA - Michigan State University

Mihaly, Christine
AVP of Human Resources
NON - Central Michigan University
BS - Indiana University of Pennsylv
MS - Central Michigan University

Mikkelson, Shawn
Restricted Funds Accountant
CERT - Washtenaw Community College

Militello, Janine
Student Advisor
BA - Michigan State University

Milligan, Kelly
Campus Services Manager
CERT - Ferris State University

Mohrlock, Kenneth
Mgr Accounts Payable
BS - Ferris State University

Mohrlock, Trudi
LSS Records and Case Management Specialist

Moore-Kovac, Harriet
Prof Faculty Behavioral Sci
BA - Tuskegee University
MA - Loyola University of Chicago
PHD - Wayne State University

Morgan, Sharon
Coordinator Instructional Supp
AD - Washtenaw Community College

Morhan, Benjamin
SIRC Lab Coordinator
B1 - Lourdes College

Morningstar, Justin
Prof Faculty Automotive Svc
CERT - Lansing Community College

Morrison, Julie
Exec Dir Strat Int and Sp Pro
BM - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
MM - Northwestern University
PHD - Northwestern University

Mosquera, Jason
Instr Lab Asst Auto Body
000000 - Schoolcraft College
CERT - Washtenaw Community College

Mouton Boeckler, Lori
VP PR, Marketing, Chf Comm Ofc
BS - Ferris State University
MS - Walsh College of Accountancy A

Mullalond, Mary
Prof Fac Eng/Writing
BA - University of Portland
MA - University of California-Santa

Munguia, Andrew
Executive Director of Financial Aid
BA - Clarkson College


Napier, Elise
Prof Faculty Nursing
000000 - Emerson College
BSN - Michigan State University
MSN - Ferris State University

Naylor, Michael
Prof Faculty Performing Arts
BM - University of Miami
MA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
MM - University of Miami

Neal, Leslie
College Stud Advisor/Case Mgr
BS - Central State University
MS - University of Cincinnati Main

Nelson, William
Prof Faculty Radiography
AD - Washtenaw Community College
BS - Western Michigan University
MA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Neuman, Jodi
Prof Faculty Dental
CERT - Washtenaw Community College
AAS - Washtenaw Community College
BAS - Siena Heights University

Nichols, Anne
Dean Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences
BA - Rochester University
MA - Wayne State University

Noel, Alisha
Professional Fac Nursing Flex
MS - University of Detroit Mercy

Norris, Kristy
Professional Faculty Psych
BA - Western Kentucky University
M1 - Western Kentucky University
MA - Western Kentucky University

Norwood, Mimi
Prof Faculty Behavioral Sci
AA - Washtenaw Community College
BS - Wayne State University
MA - Morehead State University


Oliver, Nathan
Instr Lab Asst Welding
NON - Kalamazoo Valley Community Col
CERT - Clarkson College

Ortega, Maria
Prof Faculty Behavioral Sci
BS - Central Michigan University
MA - Wake Forest University
MA - Michigan State University

Ortiz, Joe
Instr Lab Asst Welding

Osborne, Carol
Manager Military and Veteran Recruitment and Outreach
AS - Washtenaw Community College
B1 - Eastern Michigan University
BA - Eastern Michigan University

Owens, Cana
JATC669 Web Administrator
BA - Bradley University
BS - Bradley University
MA - Other College Not Listed


Pagel, Christie
Student Advisor
AGS - Clarkson College
B1 - Eastern Michigan University
BS - Eastern Michigan University

Pankiewicz, Josiah
English (Composition) Instructor
NON - Eastern Michigan University
AD - St. Clair County Community Col
AA - St. Clair County Community Col

Parker, Karen
Restricted Funds Comp/Acct Mgr
AD - Washtenaw Community College
BBA - Eastern Michigan University

Patail, William
Student Systems Programmer
NON - Univ of Michigan-Dearborn
NON - Schoolcraft College

Pazkowski, Alexander
Prof Faculty Welding
AAS - Washtenaw Community College

Peck, Amy
Asst Direct Fin Aid-Operations
BBA - Siena Heights University
MRD - Webster University

Pellerito, Keith
Prof Fac Surg Tech/Sterile Pro
BAS - Siena Heights University

Penn, Casey
Coordinator Events/Media Prod
AD - Daytona State College
AAPS - Daytona State College

Perez, Laura
Prof Faculty Mathematics
BS - Bowling Green State University
MA - Bowling Green State University

Petersen, Alison
Director of Mobility Initiatives
CERT - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Phillips, Robert
Mgr of RecordsandInfo Mgt
AD - Washtenaw Community College
B1 - Eastern Michigan University
BS - Eastern Michigan University

Pifer, Marissa
Financial Aid Coordinator
BA - Michigan State University

Popovich, James
Prof Faculty Indust Tec
BS - Letourneau University
MS - Ferris State University

Poslaiko, Karen
Instr Lab Asst Life Sciences

Powell, Julie
Nursing Program Quality Manager
BS - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
BD - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
MRD - Michigan State University

Preissle, Shawn
Assoc Regional Director - SBDC
BA - Michigan State University


Quail, Michael
Prof Faculty Mathematics
BA - Wayne State University
MA - Eastern Michigan University
MA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Querijero, Ernesto
Prof Faculty English/Writing
NON - Southern New Hampshire Univ
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
MS - University of Pennsylvania

Quinones, Lourdes
Instr Lab Assistant - Phys Sci
B1 - Xavier University
BS - Xavier University


Redman, Shane
Executive Director of Analytics and Institutional Research
PHD - University of Pittsburgh, Pitt

Reed, Eric
Dean Stud Acc Succ Equi Inclus
BA - Central Michigan University
MS - Central Michigan University
PHD - Eastern Michigan University

Reilly, Sean
Temporary Physics Instructor
BS - California State University-No
MS - California State University-No

Rezler, Richard
Director of Communications
AD - Delta College
AD - Delta College

Richardson, Lynette
Industry Engagement Coordinator
B1 - Eastern Michigan University

Roberts, Melina
Prof Faculty Nursing
BSN - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
MSN - Eastern Michigan University

Roberts, Rocky
Prof Faculty Automotive Svc
BS - Central Michigan University
MED - Wayne State University

Robinson, Todd
Director Building and Custodial Operations
CERT - Clarkson College
AAS - Washtenaw Community College
BS - Eastern Michigan University

Robinson, Adam
English and College Readiness Instructor
BD - University of Kentucky
MRD - University of Kentucky

Rochester, Donna
Prof Faculty Business
AAS - Macomb Community College
BS - Central Michigan University
MBA - Central Michigan University

Rodriguez, Frank
Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)

Rose-Palmer, Nicole
Learning Experience Designer - UA

Ross, Andrew
Security Patrol Officer
AAS - Washtenaw Community College

Rue, Kyrsten
Director of Career Success
BA - Univ of Michigan-Dearborn
MA - Wayne State University

Ruellan, Susan
Learning Experience Designer, Non-Credit
CERT - University of Illinois Univers
CERT - George Mason University
BA - University of Wisconsin-Eau Cl

Rush, Joseph
Prof Faculty History
BA - Penn State University Park
PHD - University of Oregon


Samuels, Kiela
Prof Faculty Allied Health
AD - Kellogg Community College
AS - Kellogg Community College
PHD - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Samulski, Eva
Dean Career and Technical Education
BS - Central Michigan University
MS - Central Michigan University

Scheets, Lydia
Purchasing Agent
BS - Eastern Michigan University

Scheffler, Amanda
Prof Faculty Welding and Fabrica
AAS - Washtenaw Community College
BA - Cleary University
BBA - Cleary University

Scheiber, Kory
Business Consultant/Prog Coord
CERT - Eastern Michigan University
AA - Schoolcraft College
BBA - Eastern Michigan University

Schneider, Robert
Assistant Director Public Service Training - Administration
AA - Washtenaw Community College

Schuit, David
Head of Tutoring
M1 - Eastern Michigan University

Schwab, Tracy
Dean Math, Science and Engineering Technologies
BS - Walsh University
PHD - Wayne State University

Schwab, Eric
Prof Fac Physical Sci
BS - Wayne State University
PHD - The University of Akron, Main

Seng, Christina
Manager of Academic Services

Shaddach, Julia
Director of Grants Development and Management
000000 - Depaul University
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Shaper, Scott
Internet Professional Instruct
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MS - Boston University

Shelby, Derran
Deputy Chief Campus Pub Safety
AA - Wayne County Community College
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MS - Eastern Michigan University

Skufis, James
Prof Faculty Radiography

Slade, Haley
Criminal Justice Instructor
BA - Saginaw Valley State Universit
JD - Wayne State University

Smid, Nicolle
Coord Inst Supp Bus/Comp Tech
NON - Madonna University
NON - Michigan State University
AD - Washtenaw Community College

Smyth, Mary
Prof Faculty CNA
B1 - Michigan State University
BSN - Michigan State University

Sobbry, William
Prof Faculty Auto Svc
CERT - Washtenaw Community College

Sparklin, Claire
Prof Fac Humanities (Comm)
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MS - Wayne State University
MA - Wayne State University

Sprague, Kristina
Prof Faculty Dental

Sprague, Nathan
Instr Lab Asst, Automation/Rob
AS - Washtenaw Community College

Stanchina, Shawn
Assistant Director of Public Service Training - Operations

Stark, Rene
Prof Faculty Health Sciences
CERT - Schoolcraft College
ADN - Oakland Community College
BSN - Spring Arbor University

Starks, Ashley
Student Advisor
BA - University of California-Berke
MA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Stegg, Elaine
Purchasing Agent
AD - Kirtland Community College
AD - Washtenaw Community College
AA - Washtenaw Community College

Stevens, Ronald
Regional Director SBDC - Greater Washtenaw Region
BA - Oakland University

Stewart, Kathy
Student Resources Spec II
AA - Washtenaw Community College
MSW - Eastern Michigan University

Streur, Devin
Student Advisor International
BA - Grand Valley State University
M1 - Grand Valley State University
MED - Grand Valley State University

Szurek, Edward
Prof Fac CIS Cybersecurity
AD - Washtenaw Community College
B1 - Eastern Michigan University
BS - Eastern Michigan University


Tasker, Hannah
Temporary Learning Experience Designer - UA
MS - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Taylor, Clifford
Prof Faculty Mathematics
BS - Grand Valley State University
MS - University of Kentucky
PHD - University of Kentucky

Teague, Will
Prof Faculty Behavioral Scienc
BS - Western Michigan University
MA - Western Michigan University

Terrell, Emanuel
Entrepreneurship Center Manager
B1 - Eastern Michigan University

Terry, Anthony
Prof Faculty
BA - Madonna University
MBA - Davenport University East
M1 - Wayne State University

Tew, Bonnie
Prof Faculty Humanities
AA - Kellogg Community College
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MA - Eastern Michigan University

Thomas, Paul
Apprenticeship Coordinator

Thomas, Sean
Academic Technologist
B1 - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
BA - Michigan State University

Thompson, Emily
Prof Faculty Biology
BA - Swarthmore College
MS - Yale University
PHD - Yale University

Tiede, Kimberly
Senior Payroll Coordinator
BA - University of Michigan-Flint

Tolmoff, Pamela
Prof Faculty Nursing
BSN - University of Massachusetts
MSN - Wright State University Main C

Toth, Steven
Prof Faculty Physical Sciences
BS - University of Toledo
PHD - University of Toledo

Toth, John
Campus Resource Officer
AD - Northwestern Michigan College

Townsend, Melissa
Manager Student Accounting
AS - Clarkson College
AD - Monroe County Community Colleg

Trame, John
Prof Faculty Computer Science and Information Technology Instructor
BS - University of Houston

Tripp, Brittany
Student Advisor
AA - Washtenaw Community College
B1 - Eastern Michigan University

Tripp, Jesse
Instructional Laboratory Assistant, EV and ICE Programs
NON - Oakland Community College
AS - Clarkson College

Tuccinardi, Sandro
Inst Div PSF Comp and Bus Div
BD - Clarkson College

Tucker, Brandon
Executive Vice President for Instruction and Chief Workforce Development Officer
BA - University of Toledo
MA - Lourdes College


Van Wagnen, Randy
Prof Fac Digital Media Arts
AD - Full Sail Real World Education
AS - Full Sail Real World Education
B1 - Unknown

VanMarter, Kristy
Lead Program Specialist, LSS
BBA - Cleary University
MA - Eastern Michigan University

Vanmeter, Joyce
Senior Dir Public Service Tng
B1 - Madonna University
BS - Madonna University
MS - North Central University

VanSchoick, Timothy
Prof Faculty Auto Body Service
AD - Washtenaw Community College

Vargas, Kanaan
Professional Faculty - HVAC-R Instructor
AA - Washtenaw Community College

Veasey, Lisa
Prof Faculty English/Writing
BA - Eastern Michigan University
MLS - Eastern Michigan University

Vrooman, David
LSS Assistive Technology Specialist
AAS - Washtenaw Community College
BA - Berklee College of Music


Wagner, Amber
Assistant Registrar
B1 - Northern Michigan University

Wagner, Kathryn
Coord Instructional Supp Healt
AB - Eastern Michigan University

Wahab, Hanan
Prof Faculty Mathematics
MS - Michigan State University

Walker, Kathryn
Prof Fac/Prog Dir Surg/Tech
AS - Henry Ford College
BAS - Siena Heights University
MS - Siena Heights University

Warren, Halee
Coordinator of Community Outreach and Recruitment
B1 - Madonna University

Waskin, David
Prof Faculty English/Writing
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb
MA - University of Miami

Waters, Heather
Financial Aid Coordinator
000000 - Univ of Michigan-Dearborn
AD - Wayne County Community College

Waters, Douglas
Prof Faculty Business
000000 - Virginia Polytechnic Institute
AA - Florida State College Jacksonv
BS - University of North Florida

Werthmann, Donald
Prof Fac Digital Media Arts
NON - Madonna University
BA - Wayne State University
BFA - Wayne State University

Wesenberg, Scott
Senior Audio Video Technician

Westerdale, Michelle
Learning Experience Designer
SSPC - Eastern Michigan University
BS - Eastern Michigan University
M1 - Eastern Michigan University

Wheeler, Lisa
Director of Student Development and Activities
BA - University of Michigan-Flint

Whipstock, Craig
AVP Facilities Operations
AAS - Schoolcraft College
BS - Wayne State University

Wildfong, David
Prof Svc Fac Car Success
BA - University of Michigan-Flint
MA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Williams, Arista
Managing Director WCC-UA Educational Technology
AGS - Washtenaw Community College
B1 - Cleary University

Williams, Linda
Lead SR Bus/Sys Analyst FinandHR
AD - Washtenaw Community College
BBA - Eastern Michigan University

Willis, Taryn
Marketing Manager
BS - Eastern Michigan University
MS - Concordia University

Woodland, Kevin
Prof Faculty Graphic Design
AA - Terra State Community College
AAS - Clarkson College
BA - Bowling Green State University

Wooten, David
Prof Faculty Biology
AD - Macomb Community College
BS - Central Michigan University
MS - Central Michigan University

Wotton, Mia
Instr Lab Assistant Chemistry
BA - Regents College

Wright, Janis
Public Safety Dispatcher
CERT - Washtenaw Community College

Wright, Angela
Campus Resource Officer
AA - University of Phoenix
BA - University of Phoenix


Yasan, Huda
ESL Program Liaison - Adult Education Partnership

Yung, Jaime
JATC669 Technical Writer and Instructional Designer
BA - Wayne State University
MS - Western Governors Univ
MRD - Madonna University


Zacharias, Matthew
Prof Fac Digital Media Arts
BA - University of Michigan-Ann Arb

Zettelmaier, Heather
Prof Faculty ESL
000000 - Eastern Michigan University
000000 - Miami University
BA - Miami University

Zimmerman, Thomas
Prof Faculty English/Comp
BA - University of Iowa
MA - University of Iowa